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2 Tips For Minimizing The Appearance Of Spider Veins On Your Legs

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If you are hesitant to wear shorts because you do not want the spider veins on your legs to show, you may be wondering if there is anything you can do to help make them not as noticeable. If so, use the following tips to help minimize the appearance of the veins as well as possibly prevent the formation of new ones.

1.  Take a Walk Every Day

One way you can help reduce the appearance of the spider veins on your legs is to commit to taking a walk every day. One of the major contributing factors in their development is decreased circulation.

If you sit at a desk all day at work or tend to be sedentary at home, the veins in your legs will have some difficulty pushing the blood back up from your feet to your heart. This is especially so if the vein walls are weak in certain areas in your legs, the blood will pool, and spider veins will form.

One way to help your veins and improve your circulation is to get some exercise every day. Taking a walk either at lunch or after you get home from work can help to push the pooled blood back into circulation and help to reduce the size of the already existing spider veins. It could also help with keeping new ones from forming.

2.  Avoid Wearing Tight Pants

Another way you can help to minimize the appearance of your spider veins is to avoid wearing tight pants. Even if you are relatively active, the tightness of the fabric on your legs can restrict the circulation of the blood through the veins. Especially if you wear tight clothing every day, the blood will gather in the same areas and will increase the size of the spider veins.

If you cannot avoid wearing tight pants, try to limit the time you have them on to a few hours. If you must wear them for work, take them off while in the bathroom stall and do toe raises or squats to help get the blood circulating freely again.

Even if you commit to getting your blood flowing through exercise and are careful about not wearing overly tight pants, you may still be bothered by spider veins on your legs. Fortunately, there are some medical options available for reducing the appearance of and removing the unsightly veins. Make an appointment with a dermatologist near you to discuss any spider vein treatment options that are available to you.
