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Your Dermatologist Might Suggest Dermaplaning To Brighten Your Complexion And Reduce Wrinkles

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If you'd like to brighten your complexion, remove fine lines, or get rid of peach fuzz on your face, dermaplaning might be the answer. You can have this skin resurfacing procedure done in your dermatologist's office, and you won't need any downtime to recover. This makes it an ideal skin treatment if you don't have a lot of time to spend at a spa. Here's how dermaplaning works.

Dermaplaning Resurfaces Your Skin

Dermaplaning is similar to shaving, except the dermatologist removes the top layer of your skin in addition to hair you want to get rid of. The dermatologist moves a sharp scalpel-like tool across your face to remove dead skin cells, dirt, surface wrinkles, acne scars, hair, and other imperfections on the surface of your skin.

You'll probably have numbing spray or some other type of anesthetic so you feel no discomfort. You can have dermaplaning done to your entire face or just over an area with acne or scars.

Dermaplaning is different from other types of skin resurfacing in that the surface of the skin is not burned by a laser or abraded with a brush. Instead, the surface skin is gently scraped away. There is less recovery time with dermaplaning, and the cost for the procedure is more affordable compared to other skin resurfacing treatments.

The Effects Are Seen Right Away

The results from dermaplaning are immediate. However, your skin may be slightly red after the treatment. Your dermatologist will probably advise you to wear sunscreen as soon as you leave the office, reapplying it daily after the procedure since your skin will be more sensitive to the sun. Once the redness has cleared up, you should notice a brighter and clearer complexion.

Dermaplaning may also have some long-term effects since it can stimulate collagen and elastin production. This could lead to plumper skin and fewer wrinkles.

The Skin-Brightening Results Aren't Permanent

Dermaplaning helps get rid of fine wrinkles, but it doesn't fight aging or skin sagging. When the dead skin cells accumulate again over the coming month, you may notice your complexion loses its luster. You can repeat a dermaplaning treatment as often as you need to. You might want dermaplaning as a permanent part of your beauty routine that includes visits to your dermatologist, like Hamzavi Dermatology, every few weeks for a repeat treatment.

You can also have dermaplaning done along with other treatments from your dermatologist on the same visit. However, not everyone is suitable for dermaplaning, so talk to your dermatologist to see if this skin resurfacing treatment is right for you or if you should consider another form of skincare for your wrinkles.
