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Skin Cancer Screening Basics: When You Need It

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Skin cancer is one of the most widely understood yet serious health concerns. If you have not yet talked with your doctor about a skin cancer screening, it's important that you do so. In fact, there are some situations where you should get a skin cancer screening at least once a year. Here's a look at some of the things that you should know about times when skin cancer screening should be a priority.

Do You Have A Direct Family Member With Melanoma?

Any time a direct member of your family has been diagnosed with melanoma, that automatically increases your risk of developing it as well. As a result, you should talk with your doctor about routine skin cancer screening.

Do You Have A Lot Of Moles?

If you have a lot of moles, the chances of one of them being malignant are more significant. It's important to talk with a doctor about skin cancer screening if you have many moles, if you've noticed more moles appearing, or if any of them have changed in size, shape, or color.

Have You Had A Lot Of Sunburns?

If you have a history of a lot of sunburns, that's another cause for concern. Sunburns are a leading cause of skin cancer, so you'll want to talk with a doctor about screening just in case. In most cases, the most significant concern stems from blistering sunburns, so the more severe your sunburn history, the more attentive you should be to your risks.

Do You Use A Tanning Bed?

Tanning beds are a popular solution for maintaining that summer tan all year. They were also promoted as a safer tanning solution at one time, though we know that not to be true now. If you have a history of tanning bed use, even if you don't use one now, you should plan on skin cancer screening on a regular basis.

Do You Spend A Lot Of Time Outside?

Whether for work or hobbies, spending a lot of time outside in the sun increases your risk of skin cancer. Direct sun exposure, especially without sunblock, is a serious concern. If you're an outdoor enthusiast and spend a lot of time out in the sunlight, schedule a skin cancer screening regularly for your own peace of mind.

These are just a few of the many things that everyone should know about skin cancer screening. The better prepared you are, the safer and healthier you'll be. After all, early diagnosis is key when it comes to these types of medical conditions. Click here for info on skin cancer screening.
